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zero sum mindset

昨日のエントリで、MS/Novell提携は既存のLinux市場にはほとんど影響しない、単に新しい市場を開拓しただけのことだ、という趣旨のことを書いたのだけど、全く同じ事をMiguelがGPL-ed Java(とMonoの関係、これは半分おまけだ)について書いている。これが、我が意を得たりということもあるのだけど(w、実に上手い表現だったのでここでも紹介しておきたい。

Also, from reading Slashdot today I get the impression that there is too much of zero-sum mindset, a feeling that those of us in the Mono community would not be happy about this development, which is nonsense. We are after all, free software developers. Maybe this is based on the assumption that we are competing for the same contributors, and hence a fear of scarcity prevails. I like to think that although there is some overlap, our communities are vastly different.
