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Unicode 5.1



Mahjong Tile Symbols: U+1F000―U+1F02F

Mahjong tile symbols encode a set of tiles used to play the popular Chinese game of Mahjong. The exact origin of the game is unknown, but it has been around since at least the mid-nineteenth century, and its popularity spread to Japan, Britain and the US in the early twentieth century. There is some variation in the set of tiles used, so the Unicode Standard encodes a superset of the tiles used in various traditions of the game. The main set of tiles is made up of three suits with nine tiles each: the Bamboos, the Circles and the Characters. Additional tiles include the Dragons, the Winds, the Flowers and the Seasons.

Domino Tile Symbols: U+1F030―U+1F09F

Domino tile symbols encode the "double-six" set of tiles used to play the game of dominoes, which derives from Chinese tile games dating back to the twelfth century. The tiles are encoded in horizontal and vertical orientations, thus, for example, both U+1F081 DOMINO TILE VERTICAL-04-02 and U+1F04F DOMINO TILE HORIZONTAL-04-02 are encoded.