
atsushieno.hatenablog.com に続く

do not trust Atom10ItemFormatter


// This class is not for outputting ATOM 1.0 conformant XML. For example
// it does not report errors with related to the following constraints:

// - atom:entry elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:link
//   element with a rel attribute value of "alternate" that has the
//   same combination of type and hreflang attribute values.
// - atom:entry elements that contain no child atom:content element
//   MUST contain at least one atom:link element with a rel attribute
//   value of "alternate".


SyndicationItem item = new SyndicationItem ();
item.Links.Add (new SyndicationLink (
	new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/Page1"),
	"alternate", "Page 1", "text/html", 0));
item.Links.Add (new SyndicationLink (
	new Uri ("http://mono-project.com/Page2"),
	"alternate", "Page 2", "text/html", 0));
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
using (XmlWriter w = CreateWriter (sw))
	new Atom10ItemFormatter (item).WriteTo (w);

出力がvalidなATOM 1.0ドキュメントかどうか確かめないとまずい人は、RelaxngValidatingReaderでも使って検証して下さいな。